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Hear It From Me

I started out lifting like a lot of guys, to get big and ripped. When I first started out, I like many others bought a whey supplement and a pre workout and thought I was going to get yolked. unfortunately it's a lot harder than that, taking years of grind in the gym, good nutrition and dedication. 

After years of buying into hype of suplintation I barely understood to little to no gain I went virtually cold turkey on supplementation and pre workouts. 

It's only now, after a lot of research I have realised that though some of these ingredients do work, most are chronically under dosed.  I am dedicating this blog to unearthing what works, what doesn't and how to take it.


As for the Shop... Well that was an unexpected twist to my life. 

I never set out with any intention of ever selling supplements, I thought maybe one day I could get sponsored and get my habit covered, but not this. It all came about due to demand, people wanted to know where I got my Turkesterone and if I sold it... well, one thing led to another and now we are here. 


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