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Everything you need to know about Phosphatidic Acid

Writer's picture: NeekNeek

What is it

Phosphatidic Acid is a lipid molecule, such as some vitamins like K and E or various hormones. Phosphatidic Acid is fairly unique in that is acts as a direct regulator of mTOR pathway singling, essentially mTOR is heavily involved in muscle protein synthesis after exercise induced stress [1]. Phosphatidic Acid can be found in your diet, but in fairly small quantities, we will get to dosing later on in the article, but as a note Phosphatidic Acid is found in cabbage, at about 0.5mg per gram [2]. But, and its a big but, your body produces Phosphatidic Acid through other processes, so it isn't essential through the diet.

What does it do

So, digging into how mTOR activation works and its role in muscle growth, recovery and protein synthesis led me down a pretty steep rabbit hole in various acid signalling and pathway activation papers. I will try and summarise as best I can from what I have read.

mTOR acts as a signal integrator of various environmental triggers, where it controls protein synthesis through down stream effects[3], aka after you workout a complicated series of effects happen in your body which lead to the activation of mTOR that signals muscle protein synthesis. You can see mTOR in this case, to be the interpreter between muscle breakdown and repair.

So how is does Phosphatidic Acid play into this? Well, when the fatty acid composition of Phosphatidic Acid is applied to cells it is able to activate mTOR signalling (specifically mTORC1). [4] As a note, the more saturated the fat, the greater the signalling.[5]

Okay, without going to deep into things are overly complicating the article, that is simply put, what mTOR does and how Phosphatidic Acid can effect it. But what about its effects.

Strength and Mass

Given that Phosphatidic Acid plays a important role in mTOR regulation and signalling sports, strength and endurance researchers quickly began to design and conduct trials. This pilot study [6] found that 8 weeks of supplementation was enough to see a statistically significant increase in lean body mass and strength against the placebo. Unfortunately, this study was funded by a company that was selling a patented version of Phosphatidic Acid, so take from that as you will. Another study I have found often mentioned also found benefit in power-output against placebo... but guess what, same company as before. [7]

This study [8] conducted on 15 strength trained individuals found that no statistical change was noted at all between the two groups, they where supplementing at 750mg.

The only other two studies I could find on this both showed positive effects. [9,10]. Though one suggests that the effect is minor, the former claims supplementing at 750mg saw a 2.4kg increase in lean body mass with a 51kg increase in the leg press, which is absurdly good... which automatically makes me sceptical.

So... a mix bag, with no clear or consistent results. So does that mean that its a load of hyped up rubbish that we should leave but he way side? Maybe, maybe not.


Based on the few human studies available to us, if you did want to start a protocol using Phosphatidic Acid then 750mg split between pre and post, seems to be the way to go. Please remember though that this dosing is only based on a handful of research and has not been throughly studied.

As I mentioned at the start of this article, if you wanted a equivalent dose from food then you're looking at 1.5kg of cabbage.

Side Effects

Though no side effects are currently recorded at dosing for as long as 8 weeks, longer studies are yet to be conducted. So although it can be seen as generally safe for 8 weeks, it would be best to cycle off for a time until further research is conducted.

Final worlds

We already know that muscle protein synthesis is incredibly important for building size and strength. We also know that Phosphatidic Acid activates mTOR which is responsible for muscle protein synthesis, the literature is clear on this. So why aren't we seeing a clear correlation between supplementation and gains? My best guess is that it probably does offer some benefit, nothing as insane as 2.4kg of raw lean body mass in 8 weeks on trained individuals but perhaps some small boost. Do I think its worth supplementing, probably not. At least, not until further research has been conducted, ideally research not funded by companies selling patented formulas...

Parting words

Thats it for me guys, sorry there wasn't a post last week, I took some time off over the easter break for my family. I hope you all enjoyed this vastest article and gained something from it. As always, if there is a fitness supplement you want to know more about then please comment below and I will add it to my list to write on. Catch you all later.



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