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Day 35 of Turkesterone: A weekly summary

Writer's picture: NeekNeek

If you havnt read the deep dive analysis into Turkesterone, read it here. The previous instalments: day 7, day 14, day 21, 1 month. The daily logs can be found here. Day 28, Weekly summaryTurk Dosage: 600mg (12 tablets) spread evenly through the day with meals. Weight:


Since upping my dose, other than smoothing out my weight chart, which I don't really think is indicative of anything pertinent, not much has really changed. My weight is still going up but not at any pace which I would deem statistically relevant against the previous block. But, see below for my subjective diary that does have a noticeable change.

Is there a feel No changes here, I'll just reiterate what I have said before: There isn't a feel while i'm on Turkesterone, I am a pretty positive guy regardless and don't have many "down days". Turk hasn't changed this, my moods feel stable and unaffected really. Below is my subjective mood, energy, aches and sleep diary.

The grey marks where I didn't enter data, the blue mark indicates where I upped the dose.

I can't stress enough how useful a subjective diary is, before I plotted this out I thought in my head that had plotted mostly green and had felt no aches or lack of energy in this cycle. But you can clearly see struggled a few days into the new program with lack of energy and one day of particularly bad Doms.

Really the biggest thing this shows is that my subjective Doms are virtually gone since upping my dose.


I thought I would include this chart as it is a newly made one, instead of measuring the transient change of my daily working volume for a particular body part I thought trying to calculate a really rough 1rm would be a better predictor of strength change.

This isn't a true 1rm as I am taking my average set performance for that day and making a 1rm calculation off that assuming that the average set RPE/RIR is 10. Obviously this isn't always the case, a set of 6 of an RPE 9 will not yield the same 1rm as a set of 10 to RPE 9.

But regardless, i'm giving this system a go.

If you can think of a better system please let me know, if/when I get time ill try and implement it. Im currently writing this during my lunch break (and eating into) so I'm generally a bit short on time.

Getting into that chart though, as you can see my 1rm has done a bit of a number. A bit of a caveat though, I think my incline is my best performing exercise during this experiment. I'll have to check out my squat because that has seen gains as well.

My bench is hardly progressing, I've added a few reps here and there but by and large during this experiment with this program I think my bench is lagging behind other movements.

Final wordsCheers to everyone who is joining me on this little experiment. I'm having a lot of fun with it and to be honest with you all, i'm really excited with the results that I've gotten so far. I went into this experiment expecting both nothing and a legal steroid. Well, I think i'm getting something in-between from my current data. I'm beyond happy with the body part gains, even if they are transient lasting only as long as the experiment its a novel experience putting on what feels like lean mass this fast. FAQ

  • Where did you get your turk.

I sourced my own raws, I won't link them here out of respect for the various subreddit rules.

  • Is it complete with Cyclodextrin


  • What do I think of Ecdysterone

Unsure, I plan on doing an experiment on it like I have done with Turk after a few weeks of this experiment ending

  • Does it effect your hormones

It shouldn't, all logs we have so far suggest no. I have my blood test soon so I will find out first hand.

  • Do I think teenagers should take it

Your body, your choice, we don't have the data to say either way

  • What do I think of X brand

No idea, personally I only trust, Gorilla mind and my own stuff.

  • Can I DM you for help

Always happy to help

  • Why don't you take Dereks Turk

It was always out of stock

  • Why don't you just take traditional roids.

Honestly would if I could, but Fiancé would not be a happy girl and my line of work would not allow it.


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